publications catalogues/books | 2004

‘Katowice Artistic Underground after 1953’

“The book The Katowice Artistic Underground After 1953 follows the 2003 exhibition of the same title. This constitutes the second part of a project aimed at presenting important trends in the Polish alternative art movement, which developed in Katowice between 1953 and 1989.

The publication covers the most prominent phenomena from these times, such as the activity of the St-53, Arkat and Oneiron groups; ‘Antyfotografia’ (Anti-photography), ‘Stany graniczne fotografii’ (Extreme States of Photography), Katowice Meetings of Artists and Art Theoreticians, Katowice Gallery, Galeria 133 Schody (133 Stairs Gallery), Silesian artists related to the Church in the 1980s; it also includes individual work of the members of the previously mentioned groups, as well as other eminent artists: Jerzy Lewczyński, Andrzej Szewczyk, Jolanta Kłyszcz, Zofia Rydet, Brygida Wróbel-Kulik, Ireneusz Ir Kulik, Erwin Sówka.”

Czesława Małgorzata Panek
fragment of “Introduction”