collaboration be a sponsor

Be a Sponsor of BWA Gallery

collaboration patronage

Be a Patron of BWA Contemporary Art Gallery Promotional Offer 2017 for the Patron of the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice. Partially funding the activity of the gallery with the net amount of... 

collaboration be a media patron

Gallery + Media + Audience = A Perfect Union The BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice is a self-governmental cultural institution which is artistically independent and open at all art phenomena.... 

Promotional Offer 2017 for the Sponsor of the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice.

Partially funding the activity of the gallery with the net amount of 50.000 zlotych (or 12.000 euro or 13.500 $), the company will get the exclusive title of the Sponsor of the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice. The name of the Sponsor and its logotype — one and a half time larger than the logotypes of other partners — will be placed in all the promotional and printed matters accompanying the exhibitions and other events organised at the gallery.
Additionally, for the duration of the contract, the Sponsor has the right to use the title of Sponsor of the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice in public and to use this fact during its own promotional actions.