education archive | 15-26.02.2016

Field of Vision — joint educational project by cultural institutions in Katowice

In response to requests made at the Forum for the Modern Art Promoters (Forum Animatorów Sztuki Najnowszej), which was organized by the Silesian Library in Katowice on 15 December 2015, some cultural institutions in Katowice have resolved to start a joint educational action in the Silesian province.

The ‘Field of Vision’ project will be jointly realised by the Municipal Public Library in Katowice (Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Katowicach), Katowice Historical Museum (Muzeum Historii Katowic), BWA Contemporary Art Gallery and the initiator of the project — the Silesian Library in Katowice.

As far as cultural education is concerned, ‘Field of Vision’ is the first initiative in Silesia which aims to create a common platform for cultural education and to promote cultural competence among young people.

From 15 to 26 February 2016, there will be over 300 events — workshops, meetings and shows.