events | 23.03.2012

‘Scandal in Art’ — a lecture by Magdalena Ujma

Friday, 23 March, 3pm Free entry.

The lecture will be based on materials gathered in the publication entitled Sztuki wizualne. Seria Sztuka i skandal (2011). As the publisher says: The book discusses issues which are often the focus of amusing anecdotes and have a life of their own, separate from the artworks themselves, however they can improve our understanding of the rules governing the world of culture and art. It presents artistic events that were considered by the artists' contemporaries as scandalous but which have proved to be revolutionary, contributing to a change in the way of presenting and thinking about certain topics and conceptions. It provides readers with a different perspective on some well-known works, theatre performances, films, and music pieces, and helps us understand why something that seems 'normal' today, could once have provoked an outrage or controversy.

The author's book Sztuki wizualne. Seria Sztuka i skandal can be purchased during the meeting.