events main gallery | 27.11-24.01.10

21st Biennial of Polish Poster, Katowice 2009

publications catalogues/books | 2009

21st Biennial of the Polish Poster — catalogue / summary The catalogue of the 21st Biennial of the Polish Poster features reproductions of the posters which received awards, and shortlisted works which were selected... 

The essence of today’s publicity is a promotional slogan or banner, while an image (most often a realist photograph) is only an illustration. It’s the complete opposite of an artistic poster in which just the visual layer plays the most important part in transmitting the message. Poster lovers and collectors have come to aid of the threatened existence of artistic poster in Poland. Many a time they have gathered the existing titles, but also made a remarkable contribution to publish the new ones. Then art galleries and museums have taken similar functions. This event is another edition of the all-Poland poster contest which aims at presenting the outcome of the Polish artists that cultivate the poster art. The Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice is the oldest contest in the field of poster art and the most important meeting of poster artists. The contest appeared in 1965, a year before the International Poster Biennial in Warsaw and other international poster confrontations in the world.
The importance of the exhibition caused that the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery Contemporary Art Gallery has become a significant culture-creating institution. The result of the competition includes the exhibition in which works of selected artists, both of renown and debutant, are presented. The collected posters are characterised by variety of topics and used skills and techniques.